Good day. Stayed home all day, created some more mock-ups and am in the process of creating headers for this website and Facebook.
The one above is for three of my published stories. Needs a better background, though, but I was just playing around. Have no idea how (or if) I’ll use the mock-up but it was fun creating it anyway. 😛
Social What?
I’m not a huge fan of Facebook, but I’m thinking that my target audience might be hanging out there, so going to change my profile from a real estate focus (trivia for people who don’t know me that well – I ghostwrite for clients in the real estate industry) to an author focused profile.
Don’t have everything all planned out, yet, but just getting the fun (yes, I’m a girly girl, why do you ask?) and “pretty” things like backgrounds, headers, etc. done first.
Anybody who is using Facebook, would appreciate some audience building tips. I refuse to be one of those annoying people who tweets/posts every hour of every day, but I do need to make an appearance from time to time and keep up with what everyone’s up to.
That’s why I love, love, love notifications…easier to try to keep track!
Nope…less is more, is my mantra.
And Twitter? Still can’t seem to get a handle on it. When people mention me I try to like and/or retweet, and I tweet others’ stuff when I come across it, but honestly, it’s all so overwhelming. I feel like “aggh, I missed something…there are so many tweets that I haven’t seen, I’m being rude…).
Or is that just me?
Probably worth creating a Facebook author page rather than changing your main profile page. Just sayin’…
AC Cooper
It’s a bit of a mixed bag…some people say to create a page, others say to use your profile.
Personally, thinking more about it I’ve decided I would feel more comfortable creating a page. Plus, at any point in the future I could monetize it if I so chose. 😉