Musings, Writing business, Writing process

The Publishing Wars

little girl hiding face.jpg

Source: Caleb Woods/Unsplash

Well, not wars, actually…more like friendly competition. πŸ˜€

Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Pronoun, BookBaby, KDP, Nook Press, Lulu, Barnes & Noble…argh!!!

So many publishers/distributors!!

Last year I put stories up on both KDP and Smashwords.

Out of all of the distributors that Smashwords sends to, Barnes & Noble is, by far, where I’ve sold the most.

Wondering if I shouldn’t cut out the middle man and put my stuff upon B&N myself. lol

And KDP? Plllh…I don’t think I’ve even sold one book on Amazon.

Sad, huh? πŸ˜›

But, once I’ve put my marketing planΒ into action within the next two to three weeks I’ll try to get Amazon to let me list it as permafree to drive readers here.

OR (I think I already know the answer to the following question…)

Question: Does anybody know offhand whether or not it’s illegal if I were to include a link to my landing page where people can download a free copy from me? I’m sure it is, but…dang it, I’m the author if I want to offer a book for free, then that should be my option. πŸ˜›

So I’ve been thinking about trying out D2D, but then there’s Pronoun, which promises 100% royalties, rather than taking a percentage.

Not sure how that works out, exactly, but as I haven’t explored it too much, I’ll figure it out once I’m done with Visitor to Blue Lake.

BTW: Does anyone know if Amazon still has the largest piece of the e-publishing pie? Note to self: Look that up…would be great for Bezos to have some competition…lots of it! πŸ˜€