Day in the life, Musings, Writing business

It’s good to be back!

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Ah, technology.

I know very little about setting up websites, mapping domains, etc.

A fact that was probably abundantly clear if you stopped by this blog anytime this past week.

I purchased a domain through wordpress for my copywriting business, but unfortunately it got mixed up with this blog when I did it because I was signed into when I bought the domain.

Silly girl…computers don’t read your mind…yet! lol

Needed WordPress help to get it straightened out, but praise God I’ve got both websites straightened out now, so we’re good to go!

That, and I’m still pounding the pavement (figuratively speaking) looking for clients to replace the big one I lost mid-April.

This little adventure also explains the fact why my fellow bloggers were probably inundated with notices that I’ve posted a lot of blogs on May 2nd – lol!

I really missed my little blog, let me tell you.