Musings, Truth

The Hope Project

The name has been running through my brain for the past month or so…the hope project.

Don’t know what it will be exactly…I’m thinking a book perhaps? Don’t know…

One of the Enemy’s (Christians, take note here…) most insidious tactics for defeating Christians is to take away our hope.

He can, of course, take away our hope but ONLY if we’ve foolishly placed our hope in something other than God and our Savior Jesus Christ.

It’s not hard at all for our hopes to be shattered if we focus on the evil that’s spreading like the black plague in every institution, world wide…in fact, it’s downright depressing.

I’ve been battling it for some time now…the despair that tries to grip me by the throat and wear me down.

But….I need to remind myself, so I’ve no doubt others need reminding as well…that I serve the King of Kings…the Risen Savior! He HAS won the victory! The Enemy is ALREADY DEFEATED!

It’s something that’s hard to wrap your mind around, this whole “already been done” thing!

I want the Hope Project to document people and institutions who are fighting for the Truth…for Christ and the Kingdom of God, but I’m not really sure how I’ll be able to pull this off.

God knows and if it’s something I should do He will provide.

Bottom line, I’m:

  • Tired of the Church failing to train her little children in warfare.
  • Tired of the Church FAILING to even speak out, let alone fight for our Savior and for those who will become part of the Bride.
  • Tired of the silence.

It’s not enough that we’re SLAUGHTERING MILLIONS of the yet-to-be-born, we’re SLAUGHTERING MILLIONS of innocents; Christians and non-Christians alike, in foreign wars we’ve started and have no business being in and yet it’s “support the troops” chanted left and right, blindly.

Does nobody realize a military coup has taken place in this country?

How about this? How about, stop sending your sons and daughters to die? Do we really, in this “information age” really believe the WMD BS??? Do we not see the corruption, the crony capitalism, the lies, the nepotism, the…ugh!

Or is it more convenient to believe the lie? To keep pretending that everything’s fine, throw another brat on the grill and pop open another beer, what about them Packers, or Colts, or…whatever!


According to this website – the word translated hope is found 129 times in the Bible in 121 verses while another website says it’s found 149 times.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 that is, into an inheritance imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. It is reserved in heaven for you, 5 who by God’s power are protected through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5).

No matter how many times the word “hope” is used, it’s often connected closely with “faith”. If there’s one thing that I’m certain of it’s this: the enemy wants Christians to lose their hope because that can lead to a loss of faith which leads to despair and then finally to inaction in either word or deed.

If there’s one thing that I’m certain of it’s this: the enemy wants Christians to lose their hope because that can lead to a loss of faith which leads to despair and then ultimately to a rejection of their Savior.

I want to do something to stop that trend. Prophecy, sure, but I’m also told to fight…this is how I’ll start.


Pray brothers, sisters…you who love God. Get on your knees, open your mouth and birth hope in someone else by reminding them where their hope should be placed.

God bless you and keep you in the days ahead.


1 Comment

  1. Amen! Great post. I like your attitude.