Writing business

Marketing Your Books

Even if you’re going the “traditional” route and trying to find a book publisher, there will come some point in time that you’ll need to focus on marketing your book(s).

That’s just it.

Some authors advise writers to just keep writing and that after time, readers will find you, while others recommend that you market your books.

Like many things in life, I believe that “*your results may vary” should come with every piece of advice we hear…even if it comes from people with a long time in the publishing biz.

So, to that end, I’d like to share a resource that affiliate marketers use which may be of use to authors.

It’s called Triberr.

The basic gist is you find one or more “tribes”, which can be defined as people with a shared interest such as marketing, business, etc. (yes, there are authors as well).

You share your content (which, for an author, it could be a link of their book or announcing a new one coming out, etc.) to the tribe, and someone in the tribe will share it with their audiences.

However, it’s intended to be a sharing platform, so it’s not just for authors to blast their own stuff…the idea is to share others content too.

Kind of like the adage, “rising tides lift all boats”.

It could be worth a look…I’m going to try it with my other business and for my clients to see how it can drive traffic to our websites.

I’ll share what – if anything – happens after using it for a while.

What do you do?