Day in the life, Musings, Truth, Writing process

February…Already? Oy!

February…Can. not. believe. it!

I’m convinced that there’s a nasty little gremlin, with beady eyes and short, black hair jutting out from its wrinkled, putrid green skin who has crept unawares into my life.

This gremlin steals bits and bobs of my time until before I know it, we’re in the middle of the first quarter of 2019.

Okay, okay…yeah, it’s me stealing time away from myself…totally me.


I need a time management Nazi to follow me around everywhere, making sure I do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

Instead of…you know…what I’m doing now!

Anyone know of a good, easy to use (cuz that’s the only kind I’ll look at) time management structure, app, software, etc.?

Right now I’m using Trello for my client work, but it’s hard to focus in on what exactly needs to be done each day because I have a list that’s a mile long.

Prioritizing is the name o’ the game…


Some story ideas I’m working on:

  • Nonfiction book comparing the 1st-century church to today’s apostate church (still a lot of research here to nail down the angle entirely, but have a ghost of an idea)
  • I’m toying with the idea of writing some kids/young adult books under a pen name…not sure about this one yet

Right now, I’m loosely planning to stop client work by 4:30 each day so that I can write after dinner. Not sure how it will all play out, but I know that perfectionism doesn’t help…just because I miss a night (because of a client deadline) that doesn’t mean I give up entirely.

Slow and steady, right?

What are you working on right now?