Hey blog…sending you some love…
So where have I been? Well, I’m still breathing, praise God, only now I’m doing it in Glasgow.
Ha…I wish!
Nope, but the city we’re living in is still a good city anyway, even if it’s not somewhere exotic (to me, anyway).
Glasgow, Kentucky.
We sold our house in Wisconsin in 2 weeks (unheard of in the part of the perma frozen state we lived in, lol) put our stuff in storage and travelled south.
We toured the state, picked an area with some nice, interesting terrain (a/k/a not flat and boring) and then looked at homes.
We wanted to downsize from a huge Victorian home to a small, simple home around 1200 square feet.
This one is around 1100, but has a nice garage for the “man tools” and is easy to clean. (yes!)
We have two dogs who are not used to lots of people, being in the city, etc. so while we were searching we stayed in campgrounds.
It was hot and humid, so we found a KOA campground with air-conditioned cabins that was near the area where we first began the search for a home. (not Glasgow)
When an offer fell through we decided to search elsewhere (thankfully) and found this home in Glasgow.
But in the meantime, while waiting for the closing we stayed at a horse camp.
Yes…a place where people come to camp with their horses.
It wasn’t our first choice, but being summertime, there were no available cabins at other campgrounds (or the ones that were available were hundreds of dollars a day…um…not happening) but it wasn’t so bad.
Boring…waiting around…but not too bad.
Thinking back, I probably should have spent some time writing, but I was so focused on finding a home, feeding the family out of a cooler (not fun) and finding places to wash our clothes, that it didn’t occur to me to do so.
So, I’m just banking away in my mind all of the things we’ve seen and done which will probably find their way at some point into one of my stories. 🙂
Thankfully, my clients were understanding of the time I needed to take off for the move, so I’ll be picking back up with them in September.
And, the writing HAS TO begin again. My God, I just looked at my books and I’ve not published anything since 2016. Ouch! So, the plan is to resolve that problem before the year ends.
What’s going on in your life?
Nice to see again, Anita!
Anita Cooper
Thanks, Colin…lovely to be back at it! 🙂