Day in the life, Musings, Writing business, Writing process

New Year Goals?

I’m not much on the idea of a “New Year’s Resolution”. Who among us hasn’t let theirs slide weeks (or very often in my case days) later?

That said, however, the New Year is good in that it gives us a chance to take a look at the year past and acknowledge what went wrong (in terms of our personal lives…we all know the world went to hell in a handbasket).

As for me, one more year passed when I didn’t get a story finished and published.

Not a single one.

It’s been a constant battle between mild depressing thoughts (of the “why bother” variety) fed by the aforementioned world going to hell…and of course the ever present witch otherwise known as my inner critic.

So….all that to say that screw it. I’m not giving up, not by a long shot, but I’m also realistic enough to know that unless I have someone else to hold me accountable to the writing it’s going to be tough keeping this ol’ train on the rails…or off, anywhere in the vicinity might do…


To that end, I am toying with the idea of dropping by my blog every day with an update, then sharing said blog on not only the noise that is social media, but a Facebook (cringes as she says that) writing group.

I don’t care whether or not anyone else comments…it’s just the only way I can think of to be accountable without specifically committing to a writing group (only to possibly flake out on them).

Wish me luck…

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