Classic stories, that is, lol.
Read The Fall of the House of Usher…again…lol; and it’s still every bit as good as it ever was. It’s interesting how much writing styles have changed over the years.
I wonder if Poe would have chosen to publish as an Indie?
Another one I read, which I’d never read before, was George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant.
It was a short, but interesting read.
On a side note, in today’s culture it would probably have never seen the light of day…
Remember Fahrenheit 451? If you’ve read that you know what I’m talking about…
Anyway, I’m still finger deep in what was supposed to have been a short story…
But now, it’s looking more like a novel…or at least a novella…
I’ve still got to learn how to tell if an idea is “short story” big or “longer story” big…
Anyway, back to it…
BTW – If you enjoy the classics, check out this website.