Day in the life, Non-fiction

Oh, how I’ve missed you!

Yes, I’m still alive. And well!

But a little sad, perhaps too, although I probably shouldn’t be.

Why, dear friend, would I be sad?

Because I’ve decided to focus more of my time and effort into the other part of my writing life, which is the non-fiction side of things.

Also known as “copywriting” or “content writing”, but more specifically as a lead generation specialist for B2B professional development and software companies targeting the real estate industry.

Why? Because I want to live!!!!! And that takes money…

The plan is to significantly bump my income, with the goal of having enough money to retire with a big enough nest egg to last me through retirement. Given the fact that writing for clients is more of a sure thing than making money writing fiction (at least that’s been my experience) I’ve decided that something had to give.

After all, I’m on the downhill side of 50, and that grim reaper is a couple of hills over, flyin’ double birds at me and laughing manically!

Of course, I hope to keep on writing until they toss me in a hole and cover me with dirt (preferably once I’m dead) but however you parse it, I won’t be focusing much on my fiction writing for now.

At least for the next year or so I’ll be working hard at improving my skills and finding better paying clients with deeper pockets. Don’t get me wrong, I like the people I write for, but a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do…

However, in addition to the client work, I’m also exploring the idea of writing non-fiction how-to books. I’m reading this book by Bob Bly, one of the highest earning and most respected copywriters in the industry. Not sure what niche (always the hardest part – took me forever to narrow down a B2B market, lol), but I’m hoping to know more once I’ve finished reading it.

I’ll be sharing on this blog what is working and what’s not, in case anyone is interested. Maybe I’ll even drop by more often, so look out!

So what do you think?