Writing business, Writing Practice, Writing process

Getting back to the writing…

No excuses for the absence, other than “life”.

That, and the seemingly never-ending battle with The Editor (a/k/a my critical voice). So, we have a truce. She’ll try to let me be, and I’ll let her have her way every so often as I’m writing.

I’m a methodological pantser (see video below), so when I feel that it’s time to edit what I’ve written, my editor can step in to clean up my mess. Which, by the way, is NEVER after the first draft…so all of that “only edit when you have your first draft done” rubbish doesn’t fit my writing style…at all!

Also, while I do want people to enjoy my writing, I’m writing for me, not anyone else. There will be people that love what I write, and people that hate it, and I’m fine with that…in fact, I prefer that because I know that whatever I’m writing is making some kind of impact. 😀

Bottom line, I’m not worried about how or if I can make it a full time thing (a/k/a replacing client work with fiction), but am just focusing on writing every day. Whether that’s 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there, whatever…but doing it every day.

I have it on good authority that having a writing routine is what will keep my writing career going for the long haul. And I’m in it for the long haul you can be sure…I can’t not write.

“You’ll find some spare time in there. It might only be fifteen minutes in the course of a day, but even fifteen minutes should get you one page per day. One page per day for 365 days per year is a novel. Take weekends off, and you’ll still get a lot of writing done.” 1

Kristine Kathryn rusch

BTW – if you haven’t read it, or her book The Pursuit of Excellence, it’s worth your time to check them out…so much of what we do as creatives is battle the voices in our heads….especially the loud, annoying ones!

  1. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. The Write Attitude (WMG Writer’s Guides Book 7) (pp. 17-18). WMG Publishing, Inc.. Kindle Edition. ↩︎