Day in the life, Writing Practice

Need Accountability? Me Too!

photo of person inside cave

Photo by Brady Knoll on

Sorry to say I’ve not been completely, 100% consistent with the writing.
But that’s okay…it’s a learning process, right?

Practice, practice, practice…makes better!

My husband has been practicing his guitar for the past 2+ years on a regular basis. Nobody had to tell him to do it…he wants to do it. He does it even when he doesn’t feel like it, or the last time wasn’t (in his mind at least) a “good” session.

Bottom line, he keeps plugging along, getting better, bit by bit until he will be able to command that fretboard to do what he wants!

He really inspires me to do better!

So…that’s what I plan to do. Starting from this day forward, I’ll be dropping by here letting anyone who comes across my blog about my progress. I’ll share the good and the bad.

I’ve got two stories in progress right now…both of them appear to be novels, lol…but I really, really want to write some short stories. So to that end, I’ll be trying something new, starting tomorrow.

I’ll gather together some interesting story prompts for flash and/or short stories and work on them every day (in addition to working on my current stories). I know, I know, that’s too much when I’ve got client work to do. (And a family and house to take care of).

But it’s worth a try, right? One of my best selling stories started with a prompt, lol.

What about you? Is there a story that is languishing that really needs told? Why not dust it off and get back to writing it? The world needs to hear your story. If you’d like some accountability – or (hopefully) some inspiration, drop by again. I also pln