Day in the life, Writing Practice

Maybe I Need to Grow Up as a Writer?

I’m kinda stubborn.

I started that practice piece that I mentioned earlier on this blog, and I’m really not interested in finishing it.

Is that because it’s hard?

Don’t think so…I guess I’m just not that into “relationship” focused stories. Or, maybe it’s just that particular idea isn’t inspirational to me. Or, could be I’m a baby writer, and I want to do what I want to do, lol.

So, I put in my earbuds, turned on my Pandora playlist and got to writing on one of my WIPs, Poseidon Awakens.

It’s been a slog, but tonight was okay. I’m at the point – I’m thinking – of where my protagonist will “go on the offensive” and seek to solve the problem instead of reacting to it. But I’m guessing here, because I do write into the dark, after all.

But, I am happy with myself and the fact that I did write my stuff today.

I can’t say that I don’t write every day, because I do – but of course it’s for other people so that doesn’t count.

I finally decided that unless I make time to write MY stuff, it just won’t get done. So, that’s what I’m doing.

Even if nobody reads this, that’s fine…it’s my way of being accountable to myself. And it also makes me feel better because I’m not lying to myself.

When I tell other people that I will do something, I do it (unless something unforseen happens) but many times, when I tell myself I’m going to do something and then promptly ignore what I told myself I would do, it’s like I’m disrespecting myself…if that makes sense.

So here’s to building a consistent writing habit. Even if it’s 5 minutes, I don’t care, I want to honor my commitment to write.

Besides…it’s fun! Even if I feel like I’m clueless about what to write (my conscious mind often is) when I show up and shove my critical voice into a corner for a bit, my creative voice gets the chance to come out and play.

And she loves to play!

What are you writing? It’s never too late to get back to that WIP, or start something new!