Author: accooperwrites
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I'm a ghostwriter by day and a fiction writer by night (or early morning!)
My stories are written into the dark. The unknown. Often, with nothing more than a single phrase, a glimpse of a personality, or a weird bit of trivia, I'll ramble off, word by word, until I piece together something that resembles a story.
Still learning. Still writing. Still loving it all.
On Tumbleweeds…Pastors…and The Bride
Why You Cannot Give Up!
Been a few?
Things That Make You Go Hmmm
What’s a Housewife to Do?
Day in the life, Musings, Writing process
Sidetracked Much?
Quickety Quick Update
Day in the life, Musings, Writing process
Maybe This Week???
Day in the life, Musings, Writing business