
Journey into the unknown

cloud gazing

Isn’t this a beautiful image? Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk across the clouds?

I’ve started this website as a central location for all of my writing. A place to put my thoughts, ideas, and links to books that I’ve yet to write. 😀

Although I own a small copywriting business, I also love to write fiction and non-fiction, so this website is part of that endeavor.

Of course, you wouldn’t know any of my stories or articles because a lot of what I do is ghostwriting.

But things are going to change, hence the title of this post.

I don’t know where this will lead, if indeed, it leads anywhere. All I want to do is to glorify God and His Son, Jesus Christ, with my life and everything I do in it.

Part of that effort includes writing about topics that should be of concern to the Bride of Jesus Christ.

I have a heart for His people and want them – and any seekers who might find me – to be encouraged to seek to know Him and His kingdom more.

For His Glory…