Day in the life, Organization

Time to Fill Up on Some Good Reads…And Other Stuff

Cannot believe I forgot to blog about this…oy!

This week, Smashwords is having their Read an Ebook Week Sale.

Lots of FREE and reduced price ebooks, fiction, non-fiction, cowboys on ostriches, snake people, whatever weird, unusual, or warm and cozy thing you like to read, you can probably find it there.

Now weird…that’s my middle name, lol…here’s a link to my books, most of which are set to free…just in case you were wonderin…

I have been sharing it on social media, so I guess I wasn’t too bad…lol.


I’ve forever been frustrated with finding the right way to organize my client work.

I’ve tried countless organizers, from lists, to kanban, to gantt charts…you name it, I’ve tried it, but it was either too distracting or I’d ignore it and do what I wanted needed to get done to meet my deadlines.

The result was frustration with myself, inability to focus when I really needed to and a haphazard process all the way around.

I’ve finally found something that I think will be helpful because it’s just so darned simple.

I like the idea of Trello cards (which is what I’m using right now) but seeing list upon list of things that needed to be done was frustrating. As I gazed upon that list my eyes would start to glaze over…know what I mean?

So this is a mix of different ideas, but so far, so good.

I’ve created two boards in Trello…a Master ToDo List, and an Action Task List.

The Master ToDo List has 3 cards; Recurring Client Tasks, All Other Client Tasks, All Business Tasks. They’re not in any particular order, but they are matched by client label color.

The Action Task List has 3 cards; This week; Today; Waiting and Done.

What makes this helpful for me though, is the final piece of the puzzle.

Pen and paper.

Yep…old school.

But what I do is, each night I look through the Action Task List to make sure everything has been dealt with, whether that means I did the work, or rescheduled it or scratched it.

On the top of the paper I’ll write the date, then going through the Master To Do List I see what needs to be prioritized. I write down a short list of 3 to 5 tasks that need to be done and also indicate how long they should take.

I’m sure to include at least one thing on my business task list (which are business growth tasks, not regular administrative tasks) for each day so that I feel like I’m making progress.

I just started this method at the end of last week, but I really do think it will help. Next week I plan to add fiction writing to the top of each list so that I do it first.

This will help me by:

  • Making sure the writing gets done, no excuses
  • Telling me approximately how much time I can spend writing because I know how much time will need to be allotted for client/business work.
  • Getting me into a routine of writing each day

What do you do to stay organized?